Orgasmo feminino: um guia completo

Orgasmo feminino: um guia completo sobre prazer


Até hoje, o orgasmo feminino permanece um mito para muitos. Embora já se tenha estudado muito sobre ele, poucas mulheres são capazes de experimentá-lo. Uma pesquisa realizada pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP) aponta que 55% das mulheres brasileiras não atingem o orgasmo durante a relação sexual.

Há diversos fatores que podem explicar esse dado, os quais serão vistos mais a frente. Além das diferenças biológicas entre os gêneros, que resultam em formas distintas de sentir prazer, homens e mulheres tendem a ver o sexo de forma diferente. Para elas, a questão é mais abrangente que uma relação com penetração.

Na verdade, a autoestima, a confiança, as consequências do ato sexual, as pressões sociais, as memórias negativas relacionadas ao sexo, entre outros elementos, influenciam a experiência sexual das mulheres.

Mitos sobre o orgasmo feminino

Primeiramente, vamos falar sobre os mitos que circundam a capacidade das mulheres de terem orgasmos já que muitos acreditam ser um feito impossível.

1.  A mulher deve ter orgasmo com a penetração

A maioria das mulheres não atinge o orgasmo somente com o sexo vaginal. É preciso estimular o clitóris para que isso aconteça. Afinal, este órgão é uma das maiores fontes de prazer para elas. A distância entre o canal vaginal e o clitóris influencia as sensações sentidas durante o sexo com penetração. Quanto mais próximo eles forem, melhor.

Como a anatomia feminina é única, este não é sempre o caso. Para estimular o orgasmo, então, o casal pode fazer uso de vibradores ou recorrer à masturbação. Esta ajudinha não quer dizer que o sexo é ruim ou que existe algo errado com a mulher.

A crença de que a mulher deve somente sentir prazer com a penetração é equivocada e deve ser combatida para que ambos os parceiros tenham relações sexuais memoráveis!

2. Masturbação dificulta ter orgasmos no sexo

A convicção de que a masturbação atrapalha o sexo com o parceiro também não está certa. Isto é, as mulheres devem se masturbar para conhecer o próprio corpo bem como a melhor forma de estimulação sexual.

3. Todas as mulheres têm orgasmos

Mulheres que não conseguem chegar ao clímax ou encontram dificuldades não devem se sentir mal. Existem algumas explicações para isso, como o uso de medicamentos contínuos, como os antidepressivos, dispareunia, histórico de trauma, disfunção hormonal, vaginismo, entre outros.

Às vezes, o problema está relacionado ao parceiro. Por isso, deve-se cultivar um relacionamento sincero para que temas geralmente embaraçosos possam ser conversados sem gerar conflitos.

Outro fator que pode comprometer o prazer na relação sexual é uma condição chamada anorgasmia. A mulher tem dificuldade de alcançar o orgasmo mesmo com excitação ou estimulação sexual suficiente.

Felizmente, existe tratamento! Se você suspeita que pode ter essa condição, um sexólogo pode ajudá-la a chegar a um veredicto.

4. Mulheres que não têm orgasmo possuem transtornos mentais

Embora os transtornos mentais tenham tendência a influenciar a vida sexual tanto de homens quanto de mulheres, este nem sempre é o caso. O orgasmo feminino pode acontecer com ou sem a presença de um transtorno.

O problema é quando especulações sem base científica começam a circular entre as pessoas, rotulando a parceira como problemática.

A verdade é que o orgasmo é uma reação psicológica e física. Logo, inúmeras patologias de ambos os tipos podem impedir que ele aconteça. Ao suspeitar de alguma doença, a conduta correta é procurar uma solução com um especialista de confiança.

Infelizmente, muitos casais não o fazem devido à vergonha ou medo de serem alvos de zombarias. Não há nada de anormal em buscar ajuda para melhorar a vida sexual, seja na terapia ou em um consultório médico.

Assim, esse conhecimento pode ser compartilhado com o parceiro para que o sexo seja mais proveitoso. Você pode usar os dedos ou vibradores. Para obter os melhores resultados, é recomendado diversificar para que o corpo não fique viciado somente em um tipo de sensação.

É uma decisão madura que pode não somente ajudar o presente, mas também prevenir condições graves no futuro.

Como estimular o orgasmo feminino?

O sexo vai além da penetração vaginal. Uma experiência sexual envolve beijos ardentes, carícias demoradas, elogios sinceros, segurança no parceiro, posições variadas, sexo oral e estimulação do clitóris.

Além disso, os momentos antecedentes ao ato, como as mensagens quentes trocadas ao longo do dia, também interferem na relação como um todo.

A qualidade do relacionamento ou do laço com o parceiro também são de extrema importância. Se a noite acabar logo após o orgasmo do parceiro, você ficará frustrada e insatisfeita, certo?

O parceiro precisa ter consciência de buscar o seu prazer até o momento final. Pode parecer óbvio, mas este é um problema comum nos relacionamentos heterossexuais.

Outra questão é a autoestima. Sentir-se segura de si colabora para que o sexo seja melhor. Mulheres extremamente críticas de seus corpos costumam ter mais dificuldade para ter orgasmos.

A baixa autoestima oriunda da opinião deturpada sobre a própria personalidade é igualmente prejudicial. A autopercepção negativa pode ter diversas raízes, as quais costumam estar adormecidas no interior de nossa mente.

Para melhorar a compreensão, vamos ver abaixo alguns elementos comuns que dificultam o orgasmo feminino.

Fatores que dificultam o orgasmo feminino

Crenças negativas sobre sexo: em nossa sociedade ainda é mais comum ensinar coisas negativas sobre relações sexuais para as meninas. Frases como “sexo é sujo”, “mulher precisa ter postura recatada em relação a sexo”, “mulher que tem muitos parceiros sexuais não merece respeito” acompanham a menina que as escuta até a vida adulta. Assim, se manifestam durante encontros sexuais ou relacionamentos, tornando mais difícil para ela se soltar durante o sexo.
Traumas: os traumas não precisam estar ligados somente ao sexo com penetração. Experiências negativas com masturbação, sexo oral, palavras pejorativas, ou com o vislumbre do órgão genital masculino quando criança influenciam a vida sexual. Muitas vezes, esses traumas se transformam em memórias reprimidas.
Dor: mulheres que sentem dor com a penetração devem consultar um médico porque dor constante não é comum. Se o parceiro estiver sendo vigoroso demais, converse com ele para que o incidente não se repita. Juntos, vocês podem encontrar formas mais prazerosas de fazer sexo.
Ir sempre direito ao ponto: a rotina pode azedar qualquer relacionamento. Se o parceiro somente pensa no “vamos ver”, ignorando os desejos da parceira de tentar algo diferente ou ir mais devagar, o sexo não será prazeroso.
Maneiras de estimular o orgasmo feminino
Como estimular o orgasmo feminino dentro do relacionamento ou nas relações casuais? A primeira coisa a se fazer é estar de acordo consigo mesma, pois este é o seu relacionamento mais importante.

Você precisa se ver como a pessoa que é em vez da versão criada em sua cabeça. Caso contrário, pode até mesmo pensar que não merece sentir prazer.

Com mais autoconfiança e amor-próprio, você conseguirá aproveitar o sexo e, ainda, ter coragem para conversar com o parceiro sobre problemas sexuais.

Confira abaixo mais algumas formas de promover orgasmos.

Usar brinquedos sexuais e vibradores;
Estimular o clitóris mais intensamente;
Ter uma noite romântica;
Realizar fantasias sexuais;
Fortalecer a confiança no relacionamento;
Tentar posições diferentes;
Usar lubrificantes;
Sexo oral;
Buscar estimular outras áreas erógenas, como os seios, o pescoço, as orelhas, o interior das coxas.



Best North Region Motels – Greater Porto

To celebrate a special date or just because you feel like breaking out of your routine, here are the best motels in Porto:

1. Flamingo

• Hotéis
• Motéis
• Porto

Would you like to go to Bali, New York, Miami or Vietnam, but you lack time and money? Nothing that can’t be fixed, rest assured. You can travel to one of the suites at the Flamingo, one of the best known motels in the city, and pretend that you are relaxing (or not) in one of these much-desired holiday destinations. If you don’t mind leaving a few euros there in exchange for a few hours of pleasure, go for the Flamingo suite, the most complete suite in the motel. There you can enjoy the sauna, Turkish bath, hot tub and all the wonderful artistic competence of your partner.

Price: from 40€ in a room without jacuzzi/up to 12 hours.

2. Portofino

• Hotels
• Motels
• Porto

There are things that are very necessary in a motel and secrecy is at the top of the list. At Portofino, a few kilometers from the center of Porto, check-in is done automatically at a machine at the entrance, so you don’t need to talk or cross paths with anyone. With 32 suites available and six types of room, the motel has everything you need before, during and after a good time, such as a complete hygiene kit, music channels and air conditioning. The VIP suite doesn’t even lack a terrace… to see the stars.

Price: from 40€/4 hours.

3. Habana

• Hotels
• Motels
• Porto

In Matosinhos there is a motel with private garages, 24-hour room service, and even suites for all tastes, with swimming pool, swings and even themed ones. The cheapest costs €35 for two hours of fun, but if you want to go all-in and take a dip in one of the pools in the suites, the price can go up to €385 for 24 hours.

Price: from 35€/2 hours.

4. Silk

• Hotels
• Porto

In the Arab suite there is a mini-pool, Turkish bath, pole dancing pole and a textile decoration that lives up to the name; in the spicy swing suite, recline on the erotic sofa (sexually ergonomic) or hang from the swing; and at the XL experience, step into a heated pool with hydromassage, cage, glory hole and much more. You can also buy erotic products, such as condoms, oils, creams and toys, and if you get hungry, you don’t even need to get out of bed. Francesinha and chocolate crepe with ice cream are some of the things that can help you recover your energy.

Price: from 35€/2 hours.

5. Havay

• Hotels
• Motels
• Porto

If you like having fun with mirrors nearby, this motel in Leça do Balio is ideal for you. On the walls or on the ceiling, at Havay they are an indispensable accessory. In the suite named after the motel there is a swing, clothesline and a pool with a waterfall. In Haiti, another of the most popular, the bed is round and the pool has a waterfall. It’s worth a try (a friend told us). If you don’t want to get into the water, there are also suites without pools.

Price: from 35€/4 hours.

6. Tropicana

• Hotels
• Motels
• Vila Nova de Gaia

The highlight of this motel, in its eight suites, are the water mattresses and the already famous mirrors on the ceiling. There are also poles for couples who feel like dancing and hydromassage bathtubs. You can also order the decoration pack to have a more romantic atmosphere, with rose petals, candles, grapes and chocolate, bathrobes and slippers, for example.

Price: from 30€/2 hours.


Sexology: what is this science and what does a sexologist do?

Sexology is the area of ​​knowledge that studies human sexuality through a range of aspects – physiological, psychological, emotional, cultural and social.
Sex is present in the lives of practically all human beings. For some people, this subject is a taboo and is hardly discussed even when they are in a relationship. Most are still taught to maintain secrecy about this aspect of their lives.
The lack of dialogue about sex, however, can lead to ignorance of the particularities of one’s own sexuality and cause both personal and marital conflicts. It is for this same reason that many couples are prejudiced against the sexologist. Their misinterpretations of this professional keep them away from opportunities to have a healthy sex life.

What is sexology?

Sexology is the scientific study of human sexuality. It includes not only sex itself, but issues related to sexual interests, behaviors, beliefs, affective relationships and insecurities. When applied to psychology, sexology helps the psychologist to navigate the knowledge of human sexuality and help patients with problems regarding their sexual needs, desires and functions.

What is a sexologist?

A sexologist is a psychology professional specializing in sexology. He studies and works with areas related to the sexual development of human beings, such as relationships, sexual orientation, desires, compulsions, sexual dysfunctions, personal beliefs about sex and the sexual act itself.

The sexologist helps couples talk about sex. Many spouses are embarrassed to bring up the subject, whether they are young couples in a relationship that has barely started or married couples with years of relationship.
Men and women also don’t talk to friends about sexual appetite, how to climax, or problems in the bedroom. They keep their doubts and impasses to themselves and hope that they will disappear naturally. The point is that this silence can end up damaging the relationship, sex life and personal satisfaction with sex over time.

That’s where the sexologist comes in. In psychotherapy, nothing is off limits and nothing is taboo. Everything can be expressed, from fantasies and fetishes to insecurities. After all, if sex is something that common, there shouldn’t be so much shame and hesitation to talk about it, right?
Sexologists are aware of the nervousness and anxiety of patients who come to them.

Talking about one’s sexuality is not easy, especially when one is not used to it. How to share such intimate things with a stranger?
It is precisely because of this understanding that sexologists are able to welcome and reassure patients, giving them time and space to get used to talking about sex in therapy. In the process, they may discover things they weren’t even aware of about their own sexuality.

How to be a sexologist?

Psychologists interested in sexology can do a specialization in this area to act as sexologists. Postgraduate courses in sex education and sex therapy also enable professionals to work with human sexuality. Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pedagogues and social workers are also qualified to attend some of these courses.
The sexologist can perform individual or couple consultations in clinical psychotherapy, attend clinics and hospitals to treat sexual dysfunctions and work as a forensic sexologist, treating sexual disorders and paraphilias.

What is a consultation with a sexologist like?

In all therapeutic processes, the goal of the psychologist – in this case, the sexologist – is to find out what the patient’s problem is. Therefore, between outbursts and frank conversations, the sexologist tries to understand the patients’ complaints, annoyances and desires for improvement.
The first consultation consists of an initial interview, where the professional asks questions about the patient’s sexual history. Childhood, adolescence, parents’ marriage, previous relationships and beliefs are explored throughout the process to understand how each element influences the patient’s attitude towards sex.
After learning about the patient’s relationship with sex, the sexologist tries to understand what the problem is in the relationship with the partner. The patient may believe that the frequency of sexual activities is not enough or the emotional connection is scarce, for example.

From then on, the professional assigns “homework” to be completed with the aim of improving the patient’s sex life and relationship with their sexuality.
In online therapy, the meeting with the sexologist takes place via video call and online forms. He can also share texts and website links with the aim of helping patients to reflect on their problems.
Treatment can be individual or as a couple. It is interesting that the spouses do the consultation together so that they can discuss matters that they are usually ashamed to talk about with each other. The mediation and comfort of a professional make the experience less embarrassing.

The length of follow-up depends on the nature of the problems presented to the sexologist. There are issues that are simpler to resolve while others involve trauma and abuse histories, needing more time to be explored.

When to look for a sexologist?

The sexologist helps individuals and couples of all ages to find the root of their sexual problems, but what would these problems be? There are many problems that people can have in relation to their sexuality and sex, according to sexology.
Depending on the type of complaint, an individual may refuse to see a professional for fear of exposing their privacy. However, sexuality is an important component of a balanced life. Issues involving it should not be ignored or repressed. A posture that is too rigid can cause problems with self-esteem, relationships and identity.
We separate some of the problems that lead people to the sexologist. Check them out below!

1. Sexual orientation issues

The concern with sexuality is independent of sexual orientation. They can affect heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual individuals, among others. However, impasses such as sexual dysfunction can be experienced differently due to sexual orientation.
Also, some people repress their own sexuality for years out of fear and social pressures. They are taught that sexual orientations other than heterosexuality are wrong, so they try to pretend to be something they are not in order to fit into a norm.
Psychotherapy can help both in understanding one’s own sexuality and in identity issues that are harmful to mental and sexual health.

2. Sexual problems in the relationship

Couples are often unable to resolve intimate issues on their own. Hurt, anger, resentment and disappointment instigate constant fights and discussions about sex life. A spouse can accuse the other of not having interest in the relationship, of considering only their desires and needs, of not caring about emotional issues, among others.
Married couples may complain about the lack of sex and romance, as well as the self-indulgence that has made their sex life less interesting. Young couples, on the other hand, may fear talking aloud about their insecurities about sex and what they are comfortable doing. Thus, they can benefit from sexologist counseling or marriage counseling to solve these problems.
Not knowing how to spice up your sex life, lack of news, incompatibility between the couple, lack of dialogue about desires and wishes, difficulty being completely comfortable with your partner in bed and low self-esteem are other concerns that affect the relationship.

3. Trauma, stories of childhood abandonment or abuse

Not everyone who has been molested needs years of therapy to have a happy, healthy sex life, but sometimes long-term counseling is necessary. The type of violence, the identity of the aggressor and how long the abuse lasted are issues that interfere with the intensity of the trauma, consequently determining the duration of treatment. Thus, some people may require years of therapy to become comfortable with sex and their sexuality.

4. Sexual dysfunctions

Sexual dysfunctions can also be explored with the sexologist. Women may suffer from conditions that make it difficult to obtain pleasure or cause pain during intercourse, such as vaginismus, anorgasmia and dyspareunia. Men, on the other hand, tend to have problems with premature ejaculation and sexual impotence, both issues that can be discussed in therapy.

The lack of sexual desire for men and women is also of interest to the sexologist.
Even if talking about this subject causes discomfort, it is important to go to a professional to find the cause of the lack of libido.

5. Beliefs that affect sex life

People receive all sorts of information about sex which helps to form beliefs about sexuality and sexual relationships. Some are disgusted with practicing certain sexual activities or genital organs, feel apprehensive about taking off their clothes in front of a partner even though they like him, believe that sex is dirty, or don’t like themselves enough to venture into sex even though they have curiosity.
Usually these beliefs are formed from ignorance and unpleasant experiences. When they interfere with sex life, they can be properly investigated and treated in psychotherapy.
Vittude is an online therapy platform where patients can find sexologists to help them resolve sexual issues. In addition, we provide an e-book on human sexuality based on sexology to clarify common doubts and break taboos that make people unhappy.
How about starting your psychological follow-up? Schedule a session at Vittude later this week!
